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Street address: Overton Drive
City / suburb: Castle Rock, CO
Zip code: 80109
Phone: (720) 724-7462 (Sales)
Contact name: Phil Heinz
Contact title: President
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Website: http://www.kalalau.org
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Business descriptionEdit
Kalalau creates dynamic, engaging and effective digital experiences through responsive web design and development. We are a Castle Rock, Colorado based company experienced in website design and applic

We make web and mobile experiences better.

We specialize in data-driven web and mobile applications and websites. Whether you are looking for a complete application, website or just need assistance with a current project, we are here to help.

We are an interactive services company that delivers powerful solutions for your online goals.

Kalalau Enterprises is located in Castle Rock, Colorado.

From conception to delivery, we can help in all phases of your project. Our focus is bringing the right resources to bear to not only meet expectations, but exceed them.

This means we don’t waive one product as the solution to all problems. We listen to you to understand the issues involved. How will users access data and operate the system? What legacy data systems need to be supported? What downstream systems need to be supported? What scripts and reports are needed to manage the system? What are the future plans for the business / technology?

In our experience, a good system starts with good analysis. Let us help you reach your goals in a way that gives you maximum velocity with the infrastructure to support it. We’ll help you to focus on your business and enhance your profitability through smart technology solutions.

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Business data
Estimated number of employees: 2
Annual sales estimate: 314,000
City / suburb: Castle Rock, CO

Web design

Application development

Mobile development

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