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Street address: 9099 Bank Street Unit A
City / suburb: Valleyview, OH
Zip code: 44125
Phone: (216) 642-6229 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: info@clesolutionsinc.com
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CLE Solutions, Inc.’s associates enhance market share growth for brands through interactive sales promotions.

CLE Solutions, Inc.’s team believes that the best marketing comes out of fresh new ideas. In fact, this belief is the foundation of our success. It has enabled us to grow from a small but innovative marketing company to a full-service industry leader. These days, we’re a group of curious and creative experts who shine when it comes to finding unique solutions to business challenges. We’re excited to make our digital services work for you.At CLE Solutions, Inc., it’s all about the customer. Our planning, resources, and processes center on what will have the biggest impact on buyer engagement. The brands we serve benefit greatly from our knowledge and skills, which are sharper than what any other firm can offer. We drive results for startups and Fortune 500s as well as for our firm.

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Estimated number of employees:
Annual sales estimate:
City / suburb: Valleyview, OH
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