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Street address: 1998 Bush St
City / suburb: San Francisco, CA
Zip code: 94115
Phone: (415) 923-0754 (School)
Contact name: Ronda Calef
Contact title: Owner
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Website: http://weekendenespanol.com
E-mail: weekende@zoho.com
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WEEKEND en espaol, Spanish Language Programs, was founded by Ronda Calef in 1988.

WEEKEND en espaol, Spanish Language Programs, was founded by Ronda Calef in 1988, based on the premise that language learning is both a natural and a gratifying process, and that with a supportive environment and a carefully constructed course of activities, everyone can learn to speak another language.

Our cornerstone program is a series of WEEKEND Immersion Workshops, either Saturdays or Sundays, giving you a chance to sustain your use of Spanish for seven hours at a time.

We also offer a full spectrum of Evening (and some Daytime) Small Group Classes, meeting once a week for an hour and a half, as well as the options of private one-on-one lessons and corporate or special group custom designed programs to meet specific needs and schedules.

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Estimated number of employees: 1
Annual sales estimate: 200,000
City / suburb: San Francisco, CA
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