Edit info for Yevo with Independent Distributor Cedric Jackson

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City / suburb: Pacific Beach, CA
Zip code: 92109
Phone: (929) 400-7610 (Primary Phone)
(929) 400-7610 (Customer Service)
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Nearest landmark: 976 Cafe in Pacific Beach corner of Cass and Felspar
E-mail: cedjackson@gmail.com
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Business descriptionEdit
At Yevo everything we do emanates from our conviction that health and happiness begins with consuming 43 essential nutrients daily. #teamcedric #yevo

Yevo is responsible to all of humanity: everyone, everywhere, every day. We have one simple mission: to improve the lives of all people through good nutrition. Yevo’s primary measure of success, whether by our people or our products, is our ability to help every mother, father, son, daughter, neighbor or friend in their quest for good nutrition and better lives. Every other Yevo benefit or reward, while important, is secondary, and a by-product of our primary mission of providing essential nutrients.The soul of Yevo, its very essence and fabric, is our extraordinary family, comprised of bold individuals who are passionate about improving life, happiness and the health of the world, through consuming essential nutrients. Yevo embraces all who share our mission.

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Estimated number of employees:
Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Pacific Beach, CA

camping food, bulk foods, american foods, baby foods, nutrition program, foods, dried foods, food and beverage storage products, health foods, weight control products, nutrition, mlm, skin care, skin care products, network marketing, shakes, post workout, 90 day challenge, meal replacement, meal replacement products, meal replacement beverages, self employed, work at home, dieting, home business, weight, diet programs, home excercise, weight loss, weight loss plans

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