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Street address: 1130 Ten Rod Rd
City / suburb: North Kingstown, RI
Zip code: 02852
Phone: (401) 294-0451 (Primary Phone)
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RICBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Coaching

RICBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Coaching, is a psychotherapy practice with offices in both East Providence and North Kingstown, Rhode Island, that strives to offer state-of-the-art, scientifically-informed treatment for a wide range of adult mental health concerns. Led by the director of the practice, Ben Johnson, Ph.D., ABPP, our clinical psychologists and psychotherapists help individuals with many different issues, including:* Depression* Anxiety* Panic* Shyness and Social Anxiety* Phobias* Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)* Trauma* Grief and Bereavement* Low Self-Esteem* Anger* Eating Disorders* Marital Problems* Relationship ProblemsIn addition, we help individuals with their general personal growth, coaching them on improving work performance, family life, and relationships. We offer individual, couple, family, and group therapy. We use treatments that have been shown by research studies to be effective and we help set measurable goals so that signs of progress are clear to all. We strive to create therapeutic relationships that are personal and collaborative, and that enable discussion of even the most difficult issues. For more information or to make an appointment please call our intake coordinators at 294-0451, or send an email to receptionist@ricbt.com.

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Estimated number of employees:
Annual sales estimate: 250,000
City / suburb: North Kingstown, RI
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