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Street address: 148 East Street Rd Suite 279
City / suburb: Feasterville, PA
Zip code: 19053
Phone: (215) 839-3012 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: feasterville@alcoholism-drugtreatment.org
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Our goal is to recover you mentally, physically and emotionally from the damage drug or alcohol has done to your life. Call today to restore your hope

Christian Detox and Alcoholism Treatment center believes that alcoholism is a disease that is created as a direct result from a disconnection with God. The belief is that if you are separated from God and feel as if though you are empty and numb you may choose to turn to alcohol to numb your negative feelings. When and if this should occur, Christian Alcoholism Treatment is here to help. Christian Alcoholism Treatment programs employ three methods to help an addict recover from your disease. These three programs are implemented physically, mentally and spiritually, as it is the belief that reconnecting with God and making amends with him is the best way to overcome your addiction. Our facility ensures that you are provided with the necessary tools to overcome your addiction.

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Estimated number of employees: 100 to 249
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City / suburb: Feasterville, PA
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Alcoholism Treatment Center, Drug Detox Center, Opiate Detox, EMDR Therapy, CB Therapy.

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