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Street address: 145 Wall Street
City / suburb: Waynesville, NC
Zip code: 28786
Phone: (828) 550-3610 (Primary Phone)
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Currently located at 145 Wall Street, Waynesville, NC 28786, just behind Main Street with access from Main and Wall Street.

Utilizing the Vineyards from around the world, (California, Australia, Washington State, Italy, Chile, Argentina) Chris takes the juices and skins, along with the fresh mountain spring water and creates these wines. Chris wants folks to have an enjoyable memory of the mountains along with the wines. A unique gift to give to the house sitter or pet sitter or that neighbor who may have picked up your mail and watched over your property while you were away enjoying the mountain views.Or enjoy a taste of the mountains while dining on fine steaks, seafood, BBQ or Italian cuisine, “Bob says some of our Tuscan wines were made just for pizza.”Our desert wines can be paired with a piece of cake or a slice of pie. “MMMM.” (Springs in the Air with peach cobbler).Customers can purchase wine/beer/mead making supplies. We can instruct interested customers in home wine making.Taking time and care is a patient job, and Chris strives for everyone to be happy about the wines they purchase from the shop. Everyone has a unique palate for wine, and sometimes, you stick with what you like, but if you are willing to try something different or want to look for a new flavor to add to your collection of wines, one can always be sampled. Chris offers a “Wine Flight” special where you get to go home with a complimentary glass. The glass is also designed by Chris and the glass may be different each time you visit. Prices will vary depending on the glass.With almost 40 varieties, we are challenging ourselves to introduce “Limited Edition” Wines that will only be available periodically throughout the year, at only certain times. We will also be introducing at least 5 new wines a year, hoping to grow our current selections even larger.

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City / suburb: Waynesville, NC
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11:00 am - 5:00 pm
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11:00 am - 5:00 pm
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