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Street address: 1128 Pleasant Valley Rd., Suite 209
City / suburb: Parma, OH
Zip code: 44134
Phone: (440) 332-0457 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: parma@alcoholismdrugdetox.com
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Our drug & alcohol detox facility is a medically supervised and support environment where our job is to rehab you from your drug & alcohol addictions.

Anyone who has battled a drug or alcohol addiction can tell you that the suffering they feel is tough, but trying to beat the addiction alone can be even tougher. Millions of people suffer from the disease of alcoholism and drug addiction, and each has the potential to destroy lives, families, and careers. If you or a loved one have a drug or alcohol problem, or even if you think you may have a problem, one solution may be to turn to a qualified drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility. Battling an addiction is one of the hardest things many people will ever do. You can make that battle much easier with caring, understanding professionals on your side.

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Estimated number of employees: 100 to 249
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City / suburb: Parma, OH

drug detox center, alcohol detox center, addiction treatment centers, inpatient drug rehab, substance abuse hospitals


Drug Addiction Treatment Center, Addiction Treatment Facility, Alcoholism Treatment Program, Drug Detox Center, Substance Abuse Treatment.

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