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Street address: 540 Blue Heron Drive Lincoln, Nebraska 68522
City / suburb: Lincoln, NE
Zip code: 68522
Phone: (402) 465-0000 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: jory@comforttechs.com
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COMFORTTECHS HEATING and COOLING, your Lincoln Nebraska Air Conditioning,Furnace and geothermal contractor keeps you comfortable all year round with

COMFORTTECHS HEATING and COOLING serves Lincoln Nebraska and the surrounding areas, we specialize in keeping our customers comfortable. That means we do everything from regular heating and cooling equipment check-ups to emergency service to recommending and installing new equipment. If you have any heating and cooling questions or problems, you can count on our trained service team for prompt answers and service. Don't forget, regular maintenance can help extend the life and performance of your existing equipment. Be sure to ask about our special maintenance service programs. Should you need equipment, we offer a full line of dependable, energy-efficient heating and cooling products and accessories. We can analyze your comfort needs to determine which product will provide you with opti

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Estimated number of employees: 5 to 9
Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Lincoln, NE

air duct cleaning services, combustion and heating consulting services, air duct installation services, heating ventilation and air conditioning plumbing services, heating ventilation and air conditioning inspection services, heating ventilation and air conditioning equipment, heating ventilation and air conditioning electrical services, gas heating services, furnace maintenance and repair services, furnace installation services, emergency heating services, de-humidifier installation services, commercial heating ventilation and air conditioning services, air conditioning contractors, air conditioning services


american standard.

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7:30 - 7:30 am
7:30 - 7:30 am
7:30 - 7:30 am
7:30 - 7:30 am
7:30 - 7:30 am
7:30 - 7:30 am
7:30 - 7:30 am
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