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Street address: Room 101, Deben House 1-5 Lawrence Hill
City / suburb: Bristol, CA
Zip code: 11724
Phone: (800) 808-5544 (Primary Phone)
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Business descriptionEdit
Gleem provides high-quality, on demand home cleaning.

Not Your Traditional Cleaning Service! We are bringing cleaning into the 21st Century!We hated how hard it was to book a cleaner, so we created Gleem and changed that.We take your booking instantly, on demand so you can have the easiest clean you've ever had, weather it's a recurring clean,or a once off clean up after a party!Here are some of the reasons why Gleem is great;Book in under 60 seconds, ONLINE, EASY.Simple, flat-rate pricing.Extensive checklist, so you know eactly what was cleaned.Fully insured.200% satisfaction guarantee - If you're not happy, contact us within 24 hours and we'll come back and fix it.Teams of 2 for double the clean.No contracts.Rapid response time.Our manifesto is to deliver a great cleaning experience, from the moment you visit our website until long after the team leaves your home. We’ll make you happy by offering you consistent, reliable and hassle-free service, and we’ll use sustainable operations whilst doing so.Visit www.Gleem.co.uk today!

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City / suburb: Bristol, CA

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