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Street address: 1720 Orleans St.
City / suburb: Mandeville, LA
Zip code: 70448
Phone: (985) 221-4111 (Primary Phone)
(985) 221-4111 (Customer Service)
(832) 912-8093 (Sales)
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Business descriptionEdit
Synergy CT is our name, enhancing productivity is our game. We’re a commercial audiovisual company located in Houston, TX and Louisiana.

Synergy Communication Technology (CT) is a group of digital communication specialists. From concept to integration, we offer the knowledge, resources and technologies to deliver reliable, user-friendly and innovative communication solutions. We connect people through video collaboration and telepresence technology.We design and install state-of-the-art videoconferencing and telepresence technology for any type of work environment. There are no limits to the kinds of collaboration we can facilitate.

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City / suburb: Mandeville, LA

audio visual implementation, video conferencing, visual display systems, meeting rooms, Visualization Rooms, video conferencing systems, audio/visual equipment repair services, audio visual communications, collaborative assets repair, maintenance contracts, encryption, connects disparate networks, cross connect systems (communications equipment), data management services, presentation services, digital audio/visual recording services, commercial audiovisual, telepresence technology, collaboration solutions, multimedia production services, media production services, conference room equipment, plasma video displays, media format converters, magnetic audio/visual tape, audio/visual consulting services, audio/visual services, system programming

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9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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