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Street address: 9885 Rockside Road #160
City / suburb: Valley View, OH
Zip code: 44125
Phone: (216) 503-5900 (Primary Phone)
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Business School, Media Company, Vocational School, Education, Technical School, Computer Training School, Art School, Radio Broadcaster

9885 Rockside Road #160Valley View, OH44125Phone No. 216-503-5900http://beonair.com/cleveland/Business School, Media Company, Vocational School, Education, Technical School, Computer Training School, Art School, Radio Broadcaster, College, Trade SchoolOhio Center for Broadcasting Cleveland prepares students for a career in radio, television, audio and video production, web development, and the business of media. Courses are taught by industry professionals who give our students the edge needed to get into the business upon graduation. Students graduate after 9 months of training, which includes hands on internship opportunities within radio and TV stations, media studios, and related facilities. The school is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges, and financial aid is eligible for those who qualify. The equipment in our studios allows students to use the same hardware, equipment, HD cameras, soundboards, and software that they will be using on the job, such as Final Cut Pro, Adobe Audition, and fully equipped TV and radio stations. Students will learn techniques for editing video and audio, how to create a successful commercial, learn business and sales techniques, and more. Students also perfect their on-screen and on-mic talent, learning voice inflection, tone, camera presence, and audience-interaction from our experienced on-air faculty. Students sharpen their skills within advanced courses in TV News Reporting and Production, Radio Broadcasting, Sports and Entertainment Media Production, Internet Marketing and Web Analytics, and two hands-on Internship courses.Business Hours:Sun 09:00 AM-10:30 PMMon 09:00 AM-10:30 PMTue 09:00 AM-10:30 PMWed 09:00 AM-10:30 PMThu 09:00 AM-10:30 PMFri 09:00 AM-10:30 PMSat 09:00 AM-10:30 PM

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City / suburb: Valley View, OH
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