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Street address: 30339 Diamond ParkwaySuite 102
City / suburb: Glenwillow, OH
Zip code: 44139
Phone: (800) 456-6626 (Primary Phone)
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The NOCOo Company designs and makes innovative battery products and accessories.

The NOCO Company ("NOCO") was founded in 1914 in Cleveland, Ohio. Joseph Henry Nook, a local tire and battery distributor, set out to develop a product that would prevent battery corrosion. After several hundred different formulations, Mr. Nook began commercially manufacturing and distributing the world's first Battery Corrosion Preventative – which he called NCP-2. NCP-2 is an acronym for "No Corrosion Product" which is applied in "Two Step". The NCP-2 brand quickly became a household name in every major battery and automotive shop. For over 96 years, the NCP-2 brand has been preventing battery corrosion on over one billion vehicles and applications worldwide. In fact, the name NOCO is so synonymous with high-quality and high-performance, customers often assume that any NOCO product they purchase is designed to meet the strictest quality and performance standards in the industry.Today, NOCO is one of the leading manufacturers of battery products and accessories for battery powered equipment and vehicles. Our battery products and accessories can be found in most cars, boats, RVs, trucks, golf carts, hot rods, motorcycles and ATVs. Our products include: battery chargers, battery boxes, solar panels, battery terminals, booster cables, battery cables and many more.Our brand, company, and its employee's are considered as the "experts" in the battery industry for battery solutions, battery charging, and battery connections. NOCO offers a wide selection of services including, custom battery cable assemblies, OEM and ODM battery charger designs, custom injection molding and custom rotational molding design and fabrication.As the new millennium begins, we continue to introduce new products frequently and to take advantage of growth opportunities through acquisitions and research and development. NOCO's products are known and sold all over the world. NOCO exports our products to over fifty (50) countries. As our company continues to grow, NOCO remains committed to the vision and values of the man who started it all so many years ago.

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Estimated number of employees: 100 to 249
Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Glenwillow, OH

battery chargers, battery cables, consumer electronics, battery terminals, solar battery chargers, booster (jump-start) cables, automotive


NOCO, NOCO Genius, NOCO XGrid, ChargeLight, BatteryLife, NOCO BCX Booster Cables.

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