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Street address: 1220 Mary Drive
City / suburb: Lordstown, OH
Zip code: 44481
Phone: (330) 883-9519 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: Help@my-computer-friend.com
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Business descriptionEdit
Providing Computer Consulting and Technical help to Business and Medical Professionals - doctors, lawyers, dentists, and orthodontists.

Are your computers still running Windows XP? Microsoft will no longer support XP after April 8th, 2014. There is no upgrade path from XP to Vista or Windows 7. A reinstall is required. Time is short, but My-Computer-Friend can help! Don't wait until the last minute. HIPPA and "Failure to protect" lawsuits are on the rise. You could be at risk from a hidden, yet vital security vulnerability, which could expose your confidential data to would-be hackers. If consumer information has been compromised, you could be subject to legal action. My-Computer-Friend can get you back on track. Our premium service is unsurpassed and less expensive than you'd think. Give us a call - Your initial consultation is free, so there's nothing to lose. We are partnered with Acunetix and a AVG software reseller

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Estimated number of employees:
Annual sales estimate:
City / suburb: Lordstown, OH
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