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Street address: P.O. Box 107
City / suburb: Bridgeport, CT
Zip code: 066013010
Phone: (203) 870-0670 (Primary Phone)
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Victory Productions, LLC is a multi function videographer company. We offered production services that will market your organization, and Business

Victory Productions, LLC was founded in 2003. Spiritually inspired by God, Barry Jackson has dedicated himself to producing quality programs for Television. We are dedicated in serving our community, city, faith base organizations to promote a variety of television programming that impacts the lives of so many people of all walks of life. We are a local television production company that believes in family orientated television, which teaches morals, and values that has always been the foundation of our great country. Quality television has been a lost art for many decades, and we bring these values back into the homes of millions of people, and generations of youth that have not grown up with quality television. By working together, we can show our children and grand's that morals and val

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Estimated number of employees: 2 to 4
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City / suburb: Bridgeport, CT

Editing, Televiison Production, Promoting, Advertistment, video tapes

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