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Street address: 1902 Flagler Lane # 3
City / suburb: Redondo Beach, CA
Zip code: 902782947
Phone: (310) 487-7009 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: customerservice@grneyd.com
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Custom jewelry - predesigned and made by us for you to choose from or you can request something made especially for you.

I've always loved arts and crafts. As I grew up I was taught or learned on my own to embroider, crochet, knit, and sew for myself and others. In 2003 I started out making my own jewelry and then received many requests to make it for others. I learned that customers particularly liked getting an item that was custom made for them and would not be duplicated. I've spent the last nine years learning many new techniques. With my love of color and the enjoyment of designing something unique for each new person or situation have been very satisfying. This web site was created to feature my designs and share my excitement and satisfaction with you. I hope that you all enjoy viewing, purchasing and wearing my jewelry designs as much as I enjoy making them.

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Estimated number of employees: 1
Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Redondo Beach, CA
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