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Street address: 3C Pine Isle Drive
City / suburb: Derry, NH
Zip code: 03038
Phone: (603) 548-1738
Contact name: Zachary Mathiew
Contact title: Owner
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Website: https://trendmoving.com
E-mail: info@trendmoving.com
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Business descriptionEdit
Trend Moving offers a full range of moving and packing services for residential and commercial moving. Choosing moving companies can be confusing but, we ensure that whether you are moving.

Trend Moving exists to provide superior moving services by displaying the utmost level of professionalism, customer service, and value to our customers all at an affordable and fair price.

Through this level of commitment, Trend Moving aims to create long lasting relationships by not only meeting each and every customer expectations but, exceeding them. We pledge to hire only the highest level of employees which not only meet our expectations but, our customers’ expectations as well. Trend Moving will never stop striving to reach the pinnacle of the moving industry through excellent communication skills, top tier customer service, superior moving services, and an unrelenting need to raise the bar. Trend Moving will accept nothing but, quality, integrity, and value towards each and every customer. Through this level of passion and commitment, Trend Moving will make a difference in each and every move it has the pleasure to service!

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Estimated number of employees: 3
Annual sales estimate:
City / suburb: Derry, NH
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