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Street address: 1171 Polk Road
City / suburb: Edinburg, VA
Zip code: 22824
Phone: (540) 984-8162
Contact name: Frank Barnett
Contact title: Owner
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Fax: (540) 984-8231
Website: http://imsolutionsva.com
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Authorized Belzona distributors - Providing cost-effective and common-sense solutions for solving a wide range of Industrial and Commercial problems.

Since September 1, 2003, when we opened our doors for business, Industrial Maintenance Solutions, Inc. has specialized in solving maintenance and repair problems for our Industrial and Commercial customers. We are an authorized distributor for Belzona, Inc., an established leader in industrial protective coatings and repair composites. The Belzona products we offer are specialty in nature, as compared to offerings from Commodity product companies. The solutions that we offer help our customers by lowering their maintenance costs, reducing downtime, protecting valuable assets, extending equipment life, and increasing efficiency/productivity.

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Estimated number of employees: 2
Annual sales estimate: 394,000
City / suburb: Edinburg, VA
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Belzona 1000 Series - Metallic Polymers

For the repair and protection of machinery and equipment

Belzona 2000 Series - Elastomeric Polymers

For abrasion resistant linings and the repair and protection of flexible components

Belzona 3000 Series - Polymeric Membranes

Waterproofing systems for the repair and protection of buildings and structures

Belzona 4000 Series - Magma Polymers

For the repair and protection of concrete subject abrasion, impact, and chemical attack

Belzona 5000 Series

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