Pet Pros Hillsboro

Pet Pros Hillsboro in Hillsboro, OR
7290 NE Butler Street, Hillsboro, OR 97124
(503) 693-9200


Street address:
7290 NE Butler Street

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ZIP code:

(503) 693-9200 (Pet Pros was founded in 1986 i)


GPS Longitude:

GPS Latitude:

Business description

Pet store, pet supply store

Pet Pros was founded in 1986 in Seattle, Washington and has grown to be one of the largest family-owned pet supply retailers in the Northwest. From day one, we’ve made it our mission to put our customers first. We’ve dedicated ourselves to providing pet owners with natural pet food, treats, supplements and toys that are durable and fun at great values every day. We enjoy sharing knowledge that helps our customers keep their pets happy, healthy and safe.

Our strength lies in building relationships with people in their neighborhood, making a difference in their (and our) community, and in treating our neighbors and their pets like family. Because they are.

General information

Business data
Standard industrial classification code: 2999
City / suburb: Hillsboro, OR
County: Washington
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More details about this business

According to our records, this business is located at 7290 NE Butler Street in Hillsboro (in Washington County), Oregon 97124, the location GPS coordinates are: 45.5370965 (latitude), -122.903937 (longitude). Pet Pros Hillsboro is categorized under Coke (SIC code 2999). You can contact the company by phone at (503) 693-9200. Business website can be accessed at
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