U.S. License Services Companies
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microsoft software licensing optimization, microsoft audit defense, enterprise agreement optimization, volume licensing agreement.
Debar Holdings Limited, an integrated and diversified holding company, dealing is rights, management, artist development, and acquisitions.
We specialize in the administration of Medical Licensing applications and credentialing procedures for all fifty states as well as D.C. and Guam.

Nail Bumpers
Private Massage Practice & Manicuring Salon
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Experienced Owner with a demonstrated history of Massage Therapy & Manicuring Specialties. https://www.facebook.com/people/Nail-Bumpers/100083415335054/ https://instagram.com/nailbumpers?igshid=YmMyMT
G2H Training Solutions has been providing professional concealed handgun classes San Antonio with the mission to empower individuals to protect thems
TABC licensing specialist. We will handle your TABC application from start to finish. We will meet you at your business.
Process automobile title & license transactions in Texas and other states. Any kind of title transaction, renewals, repl. stickers.
Whereorg has 457 results under License Services Companies in the United States.
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Other categories
- Accommodation Locating Services481
- Advertising, Promotional, and Trade Show Services6490
- Air Pollution Measuring Services12077
- Apparel Pressing Services40
- Appraisers7455
- Aquarium Design and Maintenance542
- Aquatic Weed Maintenance141
- Arbitration Services3286
- Artists Agents1892
- Athletic Equipment Inspection Services88
- Auction, Appraisal, and Exchange Services12350
- Auctioneers9360
- Audio Cassette Duplication Services185
- Automobile Recovery Services1197
- Baby Shoe Bronzing62
- Background Music and Foreground Music433
- Bail Bonding13391
- Barricades138
- Barter Exchange375
- Bathroom Fixture Reglazing134
- Batik Work92
- Bicycle Assembly Services73
- Bondsperson1568
- Bottle Exchange33
- Bottle Sorting17
- Brokers' Services4239
- Brokers, Contract Services1119
- Building Inspection Services9694
- Business Brokers4848
- Business Development2969
- Business Records and Document Storage1106
- Business Services (Unclassified)395837
- Business Services, Nec, Nec240
- Cable Television Field Audits149
- Car Appraisers251
- Car Seat Rentals34
- Charge Account Services75
- Check Cashing Protection Systems328
- Clipping Bureaus97
- Cloth Cutting262
- Coffee Services1574
- Commercial and Industrial Designers3757
- Commercial Apparel Designers1096
- Commercial or Industrial Precision Grinding573
- Commodities Sampling124
- Commodity Inspection129
- Common Carrier Radio Paging and Signaling75
- Conference and Seminar Coordinators503
- Conference Centers292
- Construction Estimating Services1123
- Contractors' Disbursement Control189
- Convention and Meeting Facilities and Services3941
- Convention Information Bureaus237
- Copyright Protection Services131
- Correct Time Services227
- Corset Representatives, Fitting Only26
- Cosmetic Kits, Assembling and Packaging170
- Cotton Sampling and Inspection Services9
- Coupon Redemption Services337
- Crane and Aerial Lift Services1400
- Credit Card Services2777
- Custom Made Shoes109
- Customs Drawback Services37
- Cutting and Slitting Services16
- Decoration Service for Special Events2987
- Demonstration Services246
- Design Services3686
- Divers762
- Document and Office Record Destruction860
- Document Embossing80
- Drafting Services4239
- Drive-A-Way Automobile Services166
- Electrical Power Systems Maintenance91
- Embroidery4472
- Engrossing: Diplomas, Resolutions, Etc.27
- Estate Sales863
- Estates221
- Eviction Services171
- Explosives Recovery or Extraction Services47
- Exposition Trade Shows and Fairs1879
- Field Warehousing63691
- Filling Pressure Containers44
- Financial Services27419
- Finishing Services429
- Fire Extinguisher Servicing830
- Fire Protection Services3476
- Fish Broker287
- Flagging Services (Traffic Control)280
- Flea Market2918
- Float Decoration54
- Florist Telegraph Services59
- Food and Commodity Weighing100
- Furniture Finishing294
- Gas Measurement Services54
- Gas System Conversion51
- General Engravers2327
- Glass Board-Up Services79
- Hand Painted Textiles404174
- Hand Tool Designers108
- Handwriting Experts367
- Hosiery Pairing4
- Household and Business Organizing Services563
- Human Skeleton Preparation7
- Ice Surface Maintenance: Hockey, Curling, Etc.20
- Incentive Programs102
- Industrial and Commercial Equipment Inspection Services501
- Industrial Waste Reduction and Disposal Equipment124
- Information and Referral Services1636
- Inspection Services24735
- Interior Decorators and Designers Workroom10115
- Interior Decorators Design and Consultants41895
- Interior Designer15545
- Interior Plant Design and Maintenance1259
- Inventory Services2428
- Inventory Stocking Services213
- Labeling403911
- Laminators404145
- Layouts-Office Factory and Etc4
- Lead Paint Detection Services80
- Lecture and Seminar Bureaus1040
- Legal and Tax Services2883
- Lettering and Sign Painting Services920
- Lettering Services342
- Liquidators1922
- Literary Agents430
- Log and Lumber Broker379
- Mail Box Rentals3617
- Mailing and Messenger Services6658
- Mannequin Decorating Services16
- Mapmaking or Drafting, Including Aerial248
- Mapmaking Services380
- Marine Reporting135
- Medical Records Services230
- Merchandising Services180
- Messenger Services3782
- Metal Cutting521
- Metal Slitting and Shearing135
- Microfilming Service Equipment and Supplies571
- Monument Cleaning Services7
- Motels and Hotels Reservations883
- Mounting Merchandise On Cards37
- Music and Broadcasting Services4413
- Music Copying Services200
- Music Distribution Systems446
- Music Production Consultants4163
- Novelty and Toy Balloons370
- Office Facilities and Secretarial Service Rental2572
- Office Records Storage50
- Packaging Services7335
- Paralegals3572
- Party and Convention Decorating Contractors104
- Patent Searchers324
- Patrol of Electric Transmission or Gas Lines44
- Pay Telephone Network783
- Personal Investigation Services3173
- Petroleum Consultants131
- Petroleum Refinery Inspection Services156
- Photogrammatic Mapping247
- Photographic Library Services74
- Photography Brokers430
- Pilot Car Escort Services396
- Pipeline and Power Line Inspection Services439
- Playwrights' Brokers31
- Post Office Contract Stations406
- Presorted Mail Services201
- Printed Circuitry Graphic Layout265
- Printers' Services: Folding, Collating, Etc.845
- Printing Broker2367
- Process Servers3227
- Product Endorsement Services116
- Product Sterilization Services57
- Promoters of Shows and Exhibitions999
- Promotions and Fund Raising6613
- Public Notaries7633
- Purchasing Services1191
- Racetrack Cleaning, Except Buildings14
- Rack Merchandise Services2
- Radio Broadcasting Music Checkers140
- Radio Transcription Services443
- Recorded Information90
- Recording Studios10480
- Relocation Services440572
- Remote Meter Readers110
- Repossessing Services2044
- Reservation Services457
- Restaurant Reservation Services244
- Rug Binding46
- Safety Inspection Services818
- Salvaging of Damaged Merchandise, Service Only336
- Scale Model Builders205
- Scrap Steel Cutting141
- Searchers of Records27
- Sewer Inspection Services205
- Sewing Contractor2763
- Show Card and Poster Painting26
- Shredded Paper710
- Sign Erectors and Sign Hangers116
- Sign Painters1898
- Signs Maintenance and Sign Repairs237
- Solvents Recovery Services82
- Space Planners17
- Speakers' Bureau471
- Special Events4678
- Sponging or Shrinking Textiles21
- Statistical Services50
- Store Designers and Planners35
- Styling of Fashions, Apparel, Furniture, Textiles, Etc.1076
- Subscription Fulfillment Services: Magazine, Newspaper, Etc.361
- Swimming Pool Services7595
- Switchboard Operation, Private Branch Exchanges82
- Tank Testing and Inspection72
- Tape Slitting12
- Tax Collection Agency450
- Tax Title Dealers50
- Teleconferencing Services426
- Telemarketing Services4191
- Telephone Answering Services5948
- Telephone Directory Distribution, Contract or Fee Basis187
- Telephone Services9207
- Telephone Solicitation Services61
- Tenant Screening Services119
- Textile and Apparel Services2544
- Textile Designers624
- Textile Folding and Packing Services33
- Textile Manufacturer's Representatives8
- Time-Share Condominium Exchange523
- Tobacco Sheeting Services13
- Tombstone Engraving52
- Tool Designers32
- Tourist Information Bureau1774
- Trade Fairs and Trade Shows451
- Trading Stamp Promotion and Redemption92
- Transcribing Services496
- Translators and Interpreters11757
- Unclassified471011
- Voice Mail Messaging Services178
- Water Conservation113
- Water Hauling Services199
- Water Treatment Equipment Services and Supplies6580
- Welcoming Services218
- Wig Styling43
- Window Trimming Services140
- Yacht Brokers19998
Select a location for category License Services
- Alabama4
- Alaska1
- Arizona24
- California64
- Colorado5
- Delaware1
- Florida21
- Georgia15
- Idaho2
- Illinois23
- Indiana18
- Iowa1
- Kansas1
- Kentucky4
- Louisiana3
- Maine1
- Maryland9
- Massachusetts6
- Michigan5
- Minnesota4
- Mississippi3
- Missouri24
- Nebraska1
- Nevada5
- New Hampshire1
- New Jersey9
- New Mexico7
- New York23
- North Carolina11
- Ohio39
- Oklahoma5
- Oregon3
- Pennsylvania23
- South Dakota1
- Tennessee13
- Texas32
- Vermont2
- Virginia6
- Washington29
- West Virginia4
- Wisconsin4
Quick navigation
- Accommodation Locating Services481
- Advertising, Promotional, and Trade Show Services6490
- Air Pollution Measuring Services12077
- Apparel Pressing Services40
- Appraisers7455
- Aquarium Design and Maintenance542
- Aquatic Weed Maintenance141
- Arbitration Services3286
- Artists Agents1892
- Athletic Equipment Inspection Services88
- Auction, Appraisal, and Exchange Services12350
- Auctioneers9360
- Audio Cassette Duplication Services185
- Automobile Recovery Services1197
- Baby Shoe Bronzing62
- Background Music and Foreground Music433
- Bail Bonding13391
- Barricades138
- Barter Exchange375
- Bathroom Fixture Reglazing134
- Batik Work92
- Bicycle Assembly Services73
- Bondsperson1568
- Bottle Exchange33
- Bottle Sorting17
- Brokers' Services4239
- Brokers, Contract Services1119
- Building Inspection Services9694
- Business Brokers4848
- Business Development2969
- Business Records and Document Storage1106
- Business Services (Unclassified)395837
- Business Services, Nec, Nec240
- Cable Television Field Audits149
- Car Appraisers251
- Car Seat Rentals34
- Charge Account Services75
- Check Cashing Protection Systems328
- Clipping Bureaus97
- Cloth Cutting262
- Coffee Services1574
- Commercial and Industrial Designers3757
- Commercial Apparel Designers1096
- Commercial or Industrial Precision Grinding573
- Commodities Sampling124
- Commodity Inspection129
- Common Carrier Radio Paging and Signaling75
- Conference and Seminar Coordinators503
- Conference Centers292
- Construction Estimating Services1123
- Contractors' Disbursement Control189
- Convention and Meeting Facilities and Services3941
- Convention Information Bureaus237
- Copyright Protection Services131
- Correct Time Services227
- Corset Representatives, Fitting Only26
- Cosmetic Kits, Assembling and Packaging170
- Cotton Sampling and Inspection Services9
- Coupon Redemption Services337
- Crane and Aerial Lift Services1400
- Credit Card Services2777
- Custom Made Shoes109
- Customs Drawback Services37
- Cutting and Slitting Services16
- Decoration Service for Special Events2987
- Demonstration Services246
- Design Services3686
- Divers762
- Document and Office Record Destruction860
- Document Embossing80
- Drafting Services4239
- Drive-A-Way Automobile Services166
- Electrical Power Systems Maintenance91
- Embroidery4472
- Engrossing: Diplomas, Resolutions, Etc.27
- Estate Sales863
- Estates221
- Eviction Services171
- Explosives Recovery or Extraction Services47
- Exposition Trade Shows and Fairs1879
- Field Warehousing63691
- Filling Pressure Containers44
- Financial Services27419
- Finishing Services429
- Fire Extinguisher Servicing830
- Fire Protection Services3476
- Fish Broker287
- Flagging Services (Traffic Control)280
- Flea Market2918
- Float Decoration54
- Florist Telegraph Services59
- Food and Commodity Weighing100
- Furniture Finishing294
- Gas Measurement Services54
- Gas System Conversion51
- General Engravers2327
- Glass Board-Up Services79
- Hand Painted Textiles404174
- Hand Tool Designers108
- Handwriting Experts367
- Hosiery Pairing4
- Household and Business Organizing Services563
- Human Skeleton Preparation7
- Ice Surface Maintenance: Hockey, Curling, Etc.20
- Incentive Programs102
- Industrial and Commercial Equipment Inspection Services501
- Industrial Waste Reduction and Disposal Equipment124
- Information and Referral Services1636
- Inspection Services24735
- Interior Decorators and Designers Workroom10115
- Interior Decorators Design and Consultants41895
- Interior Designer15545
- Interior Plant Design and Maintenance1259
- Inventory Services2428
- Inventory Stocking Services213
- Labeling403911
- Laminators404145
- Layouts-Office Factory and Etc4
- Lead Paint Detection Services80
- Lecture and Seminar Bureaus1040
- Legal and Tax Services2883
- Lettering and Sign Painting Services920
- Lettering Services342
- Liquidators1922
- Literary Agents430
- Log and Lumber Broker379
- Mail Box Rentals3617
- Mailing and Messenger Services6658
- Mannequin Decorating Services16
- Mapmaking or Drafting, Including Aerial248
- Mapmaking Services380
- Marine Reporting135
- Medical Records Services230
- Merchandising Services180
- Messenger Services3782
- Metal Cutting521
- Metal Slitting and Shearing135
- Microfilming Service Equipment and Supplies571
- Monument Cleaning Services7
- Motels and Hotels Reservations883
- Mounting Merchandise On Cards37
- Music and Broadcasting Services4413
- Music Copying Services200
- Music Distribution Systems446
- Music Production Consultants4163
- Novelty and Toy Balloons370
- Office Facilities and Secretarial Service Rental2572
- Office Records Storage50
- Packaging Services7335
- Paralegals3572
- Party and Convention Decorating Contractors104
- Patent Searchers324
- Patrol of Electric Transmission or Gas Lines44
- Pay Telephone Network783
- Personal Investigation Services3173
- Petroleum Consultants131
- Petroleum Refinery Inspection Services156
- Photogrammatic Mapping247
- Photographic Library Services74
- Photography Brokers430
- Pilot Car Escort Services396
- Pipeline and Power Line Inspection Services439
- Playwrights' Brokers31
- Post Office Contract Stations406
- Presorted Mail Services201
- Printed Circuitry Graphic Layout265
- Printers' Services: Folding, Collating, Etc.845
- Printing Broker2367
- Process Servers3227
- Product Endorsement Services116
- Product Sterilization Services57
- Promoters of Shows and Exhibitions999
- Promotions and Fund Raising6613
- Public Notaries7633
- Purchasing Services1191
- Racetrack Cleaning, Except Buildings14
- Rack Merchandise Services2
- Radio Broadcasting Music Checkers140
- Radio Transcription Services443
- Recorded Information90
- Recording Studios10480
- Relocation Services440572
- Remote Meter Readers110
- Repossessing Services2044
- Reservation Services457
- Restaurant Reservation Services244
- Rug Binding46
- Safety Inspection Services818
- Salvaging of Damaged Merchandise, Service Only336
- Scale Model Builders205
- Scrap Steel Cutting141
- Searchers of Records27
- Sewer Inspection Services205
- Sewing Contractor2763
- Show Card and Poster Painting26
- Shredded Paper710
- Sign Erectors and Sign Hangers116
- Sign Painters1898
- Signs Maintenance and Sign Repairs237
- Solvents Recovery Services82
- Space Planners17
- Speakers' Bureau471
- Special Events4678
- Sponging or Shrinking Textiles21
- Statistical Services50
- Store Designers and Planners35
- Styling of Fashions, Apparel, Furniture, Textiles, Etc.1076
- Subscription Fulfillment Services: Magazine, Newspaper, Etc.361
- Swimming Pool Services7595
- Switchboard Operation, Private Branch Exchanges82
- Tank Testing and Inspection72
- Tape Slitting12
- Tax Collection Agency450
- Tax Title Dealers50
- Teleconferencing Services426
- Telemarketing Services4191
- Telephone Answering Services5948
- Telephone Directory Distribution, Contract or Fee Basis187
- Telephone Services9207
- Telephone Solicitation Services61
- Tenant Screening Services119
- Textile and Apparel Services2544
- Textile Designers624
- Textile Folding and Packing Services33
- Textile Manufacturer's Representatives8
- Time-Share Condominium Exchange523
- Tobacco Sheeting Services13
- Tombstone Engraving52
- Tool Designers32
- Tourist Information Bureau1774
- Trade Fairs and Trade Shows451
- Trading Stamp Promotion and Redemption92
- Transcribing Services496
- Translators and Interpreters11757
- Unclassified471011
- Voice Mail Messaging Services178
- Water Conservation113
- Water Hauling Services199
- Water Treatment Equipment Services and Supplies6580
- Welcoming Services218
- Wig Styling43
- Window Trimming Services140
- Yacht Brokers19998
All states
- Alabama4
- Alaska1
- Arizona24
- California64
- Colorado5
- Delaware1
- Florida21
- Georgia15
- Idaho2
- Illinois23
- Indiana18
- Iowa1
- Kansas1
- Kentucky4
- Louisiana3
- Maine1
- Maryland9
- Massachusetts6
- Michigan5
- Minnesota4
- Mississippi3
- Missouri24
- Nebraska1
- Nevada5
- New Hampshire1
- New Jersey9
- New Mexico7
- New York23
- North Carolina11
- Ohio39
- Oklahoma5
- Oregon3
- Pennsylvania23
- South Dakota1
- Tennessee13
- Texas32
- Vermont2
- Virginia6
- Washington29
- West Virginia4
- Wisconsin4
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